A Mother’s Education

There are so many times that I feel as though I’m behind in my chil­dren’s edu­ca­tion. With the pass­ing of each year, I’m faced again with the new chal­lenges that I thought, in my naiveté, that I would only be faced with once; tying shoes, count­ing to 100, pour­ing milk. Oh that our kids were born with these abil­i­ties! Would­n’t home­school­ing be so much easier?
But the truth is, as many times as I’ve fret­ted about whether or not they would mas­ter these skills, I have been remind­ed that, yes, they will get it when they’re ready. Of course that does­n’t mean that I stop edu­cat­ing them even though they can’t quite grasp what I’m try­ing to teach them.

I’m remind­ed of my first job as a wait­ress. I was the worst wait­ress you have ever seen. I for­got tables and mixed up orders, and there were only 6 tables in that itty-bit­ty restau­rant. Fast for­ward to sev­en­teen years and four kids lat­er, and I would make the best darn wait­ress a patron could ask for.

So after a year of won­der­ing if my four year old would ever remem­ber what the let­ter “F” looks like, just last week as we walked through a park­ing lot, he point­ed to a sign and said “B…U…S, bus.” It looks like I won’t have to spend sleep­less nights wor­ry­ing about his phon­ics com­pre­hen­sion. Our chil­dren are cre­at­ed to learn, and learn they will. I can stick to wor­ry­ing about what I’ll be mak­ing for din­ner. May I take your order?


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