A Mother’s Education

There are so many times that I feel as though I'm behind in my children's education. With the passing of each year, I'm faced again with the new challenges that I thought, in my naiveté, that I would only be faced with once; tying shoes, counting to 100, pouring milk. Oh that our kids were born with these abilities! Wouldn't homeschooling be so much easier?
But the truth is, as many times as I've fretted about whether or not they would master these skills, I have been reminded that, yes, they will get it when they're ready. Of course that doesn't mean that I stop educating them even though they can't quite grasp what I'm trying to teach them.

I'm reminded of my first job as a waitress. I was the worst waitress you have ever seen. I forgot tables and mixed up orders, and there were only 6 tables in that itty-bitty restaurant. Fast forward to seventeen years and four kids later, and I would make the best darn waitress a patron could ask for.

So after a year of wondering if my four year old would ever remember what the letter “F” looks like, just last week as we walked through a parking lot, he pointed to a sign and said “B...U...S, bus.” It looks like I won't have to spend sleepless nights worrying about his phonics comprehension. Our children are created to learn, and learn they will. I can stick to worrying about what I'll be making for dinner. May I take your order?


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