Educator’s Toolbox

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A car­pen­ter car­ries a ham­mer, chis­el, screw­drivers, mea­sur­ing tape, and oth­er very heavy objects around.  Why does he do this? Because he needs these tools in order to do his job. 

As par­ent edu­ca­tors, what do we need to do our jobs? In short, what’s in our toolbox?

Some­times we car­ry around tools that we don’t need. Like when we car­ry around the bur­den of mak­ing dessert with every meal, or the crit­i­cism from rel­a­tives about our edu­ca­tion­al choic­es.  We don’t need those tools.  Throw them away! 

Often we car­ry what we don’t need and don’t car­ry what we do need.  Have you thought about what tools you need to be an amaz­ing educator? 

If you haven’t put much thought into your own edu­ca­tor’s tool­box, don’t wor­ry.  We are assem­bling all the tools you need to lead your mid­dle and high school students. 

Our tool­box is sort­ed into sections: 

  • Work­shop : Not all of our tools are in the box.  Some hang on the wall or are too big to fit.  This is where you will find tools to help with the big pic­ture — like goal set­ting, and the stu­den­t’s roadmap!
  • Hand tools : The hand tools sec­tion of our tool­box is all about track­ing your progress.  This is where you find tools such as the atten­dance record.  These tools are most help­ful for all of your students. 
  • Pow­er tools : The pow­er tools are all about cre­at­ing direc­tion and mak­ing large leaps in the right direc­tion.  This is where you find tools such as the tran­script tem­plate, course descrip­tions, and port­fo­lio infor­ma­tion.  These tools are most help­ful for your high school students. 
  • Edu­ca­tor’s Ses­sions : The edu­ca­tor ses­sions are not tech­ni­cal­ly some­thing you put in your tool­box, but if they were, they’d be the water bot­tle, or refresh­ment.  This is our month­ly webi­nar designed to equip and chal­lenge you, the par­ent, specif­i­cal­ly in your own edu­ca­tion journey. 

There you have it.  A com­plete assort­ment of the tools that you need to lead your child with con­fi­dence in the mid­dle and high school years.  Check out all of the tools in the box and check back often as we con­tin­ue to devel­op and cre­ate new tools to equip you and your stu­dent further. 



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