Do More with Less : Minimalism


What does a person really need to raise children?

What do you need to help give your child the best education?

Can you have too much?

Can you give too much?

These are questions that bounce around in our heads as we strive to provide for our children without creating entitlement, clutter. 

Every single little item that we own takes up space.  It takes up space on the shelf.  It takes up space in our lives.  It takes up space in our minds.  Let’s make sure that each little item deserves the space that it takes. 

Remember, each child is given to us by the God who created the child in His own image.  God, as the perfect parent, gave us love.  The Lord’s prayer has us asking God to give us our daily bread, forgive us our sins, and keep us from temptation. 

Let’s remember then to give our children love, nourishment, forgiveness, and direction.

Nothing more is needed. 

Nothing less is permitted. 

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