Mathematics Curriculum Review Series: Saxon

Sax­on math has stood the test of time.  For years, clas­si­cal edu­ca­tors have been using the Sax­on math books with their stu­dents.  As math cur­ricu­lum con­tin­ues to change to align with com­mon core or to explain math con­cepts with the new pro­ce­dures, Sax­on has remained as the math book that every­one can count on. 

When Sax­on first appeared on the mar­ket it stood out with its dif­fer­ent inte­grat­ed spi­ral method for teach­ing math­e­mat­ics.  Unlike most text­books and their empha­sis on mas­tery, Sax­on empha­sized prac­tice, review, and repeat­ed deep­er lessons.  Many stu­dents who strug­gle with the tra­di­tion­al math book will find Sax­on’s approach to be a breath of fresh air. 

Cur­rent­ly, Sax­on is as pop­u­lar as ever with par­ents and teach­ers alike.  When search­ing for a sol­id math pro­gram that boasts in help­ing many stu­dents over­come math anx­i­ety, many will turn to Sax­on.  Each les­son starts with warm up prob­lems to help the stu­dent focus on the hard­er work to come.  After read­ing a very descrip­tive and infor­ma­tive les­son, the stu­dent will then com­plete 20–30 prob­lems that are a mix of new and old con­cepts alike. 

While many stu­dents will thrive with Sax­on, a log­i­cal think­ing math strong stu­dent may strug­gle with the for­mat and order of lessons.  The order in which con­cepts are taught, reviewed, and then taught deep­er lat­er down the line can be frus­trat­ing for the stu­dent who excels in math. 

As one of the most pop­u­lar cur­ric­u­la on the mar­ket for pri­vate and home schools alike, Sax­on texts are abun­dant and read­i­ly avail­able to pur­chase used or new.  Sax­on boasts math books all the way from kinder­garten through high school.  For years Sax­on did not have a geom­e­try book, but instead chose to incor­po­rate geom­e­try into its alge­bra texts.  In recent years, Sax­on has added a home­school geom­e­try text though, so your stu­dent can study geom­e­try inde­pen­dent­ly if desired.  Because of the inten­si­ty of the prac­tice in the books many edu­ca­tors hold off on using Sax­on until the 3rd grade.  Sax­on does have books for younger though, so if choos­ing one cur­ricu­lum and stick­ing with it is impor­tant to you, then Sax­on can do that too. Don’t for­get to watch our video to see the inside of two used Sax­on texts that we’ve picked up over the years. 

Sax­on pub­lish­ers con­tin­ues to put out a sol­id inte­grat­ed spi­ral math pro­gram avail­able to all stu­dents from kinder­garten to high school. Do you have a spe­cif­ic ques­tion about the Sax­on pro­gram? Feel free to vis­it the Scio Acad­e­my forum and ask!  We are here to help.

Review Video of Saxon 

Take a look inside Saxon 54 & Algebra 12

Saxon Math Review Summary 

Some cons may be pros for you and vice versa. That’s okay! 


  • Clear directions
  • Pletho­ra of examples
  • Spi­ral review
  • Men­tal math problems
  • Cor­re­spond­ing tests
  • Sol­id mate­r­i­al & concepts


  • Not mastery 
  • Order of con­cepts taught can be confusing
  • Long lessons
  • Not Com­mon Core aligned