Arithmetic Review Course Complete!

I am excit­ed to share this short 8 les­son course that we just com­plet­ed here at Scio Acad­e­my.  This course was cre­at­ed to answer the ques­tion, “is my stu­dent ready for pre algebra?” 

Many schools auto­mat­i­cal­ly start stu­dents enter­ing 8th grade in the pre alge­bra course of study, but some par­ents are still won­der­ing if their child is ready. These par­ents often have some of the same questions: 

  • How do they know if their child is ready? 
  • How do they fig­ure out what arith­metic con­cepts to cov­er over the sum­mer to prepare?
  • What resources do they use to cov­er those concepts?

Scio Acad­e­my’s arith­metic course is designed with these ques­tions in mind.  By the end of this short 8 les­son course you and your child will know what con­cepts he is strug­gling with and if he is ready for the study of pre algebra. 

Pre alge­bra is a course designed to help your stu­dent mas­ter arith­metic.  To show readi­ness for pre alge­bra your stu­dent should be able to do basic arith­metic computations. 

Our 8 class course covers: 

  1. Basic oper­a­tions
  2. Dec­i­mals & Percents
  3. Fac­tors & Multiples
  4. Frac­tions
  5. Expo­nents & Roots
  6. Ratios & Rates
  7. Area & Perimeter
  8. Word Prob­lems

This course con­tains 8 class­es, designed to be a review of each con­cept, and 8 assess­ments, designed to check for mas­tery of the concept. 

If you find that your stu­dent needs more prac­tice with a par­tic­u­lar con­cept, please feel free to let us know in the forum.  We are hap­py to help you find what you need to gain a mas­tery of math! 

Where in this video do I find…

  • Intro­duc­tion — 0:00 
  • Les­son 1 on oper­a­tors — 6:40 

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8 Lessons plus 8 assessments to show readiness for prealgebra