Middle School Math Curriculum

Mid­dle School Math Curriculum

Mid­dle school math­e­mat­ics is con­cerned with one thing and one thing only. 

Mas­tery of the gram­mar of arith­metic.

Mas­tery guar­an­tees readi­ness of stu­dents enter­ing high school to pur­sue alge­bra and the world of high­er math­e­mat­ics.   

Every mid­dle school text­book delves into the world of arith­metic, some deep­er than oth­ers, in order to guar­an­tee that stu­dents are ready for pur­su­ing algebra. 

Most math cur­ric­u­la can be grouped by audi­ence intent in a chart like this: 


What’s the point of this chart?  Most­ly, I cre­at­ed it for you to com­pare texts.  More often than not, how­ev­er, you aren’t in con­trol of the spe­cif­ic text­book that your child uses for math.  That’s okay.  Because the book isn’t near­ly as impor­tant as you think.  As I shared at the begin­ning of this post, all mid­dle school math books have the same goal.  You have many resources avail­able to you to help work towards this goal:  Your child’s teacher, the text­book and any sup­ple­men­tary texts,  a tutor , or Scio Acad­e­my and oth­er online video pro­grams are all avail­able as valu­able resources.  What is the most impor­tant tool for help­ing your child reach the goal of mas­ter­ing arithmetic? 

It is you. 

As the par­ent you are the most impor­tant part of your child’s math edu­ca­tion.  Even if you are ter­ri­fied of math, you are still impor­tant.  It is through you that your child will learn how to over­come poor­ly writ­ten books, how to per­se­vere through a hard con­cept, and how to give grace to a stressed and over­worked teacher.   The con­cepts in the math cur­ricu­lum are not the only con­cepts to mas­ter in math class. 

Through your love and ded­i­ca­tion your child will receive the resources that are need­ed to mas­ter dif­fi­cult math­e­mat­i­cal concepts. 

If you’re still hung up on what mid­dle school math cur­ricu­lum to use, then study the chart above a lit­tle and study your child a lot.   

Need more help?  Feel free to ask spe­cif­ic ques­tions in the forum and see what oth­er par­ents have learned about teach­ing mid­dle school math.